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Connect Transit Bus Employees

“Give your blessing and you’ll get a blessing back. That what my mom always told me,” shares volunteer Art Abrams.

Last year, Art, along with other Connect Transit Bus Employees, hosted a Fourth of July picnic at Home Sweet Home. After having so much fun, the group eagerly volunteered to serve again this summer.

“I love giving back. My co-workers were all in so we decided to do it again. And we like it so much, we’ll probably do it again next year,” exclaims Art.

With more time to plan and more donors involved, Art and his coworkers served up quite the feast.  

“This year we have chicken, pulled pork, mashed potatoes, biscuits, green beans, red beans and rice, adds Art. “We got a lot!”

Art says he is grateful for the opportunity to help those in need. Having once been homeless himself, he truly understands the power of sharing a meal with others.

“I’m at the point that I can give back. Instead of thinking about myself, I like to think about other people.”

Art hopes that his motivation creates a ripple effect. “Maybe once they get on their feet, they can help someone and then help someone else and the cycle just goes on,” encourages Art.

Thanks, again Art, fellow Connect Transit Bus Employees, and Local Union 752 for hosting a delicious meal for our residents. We appreciate you serving up hope!

Please continue reading below to discover how Art’s involvement first ignited with Home Sweet Home in summer 2017.





Igniting Hope

The Fourth of July holiday was marked with many celebrations amongst friends and family. Some grilled out. Some watched fireworks. Others like Arthur Abraham and his fellow Connect Transit coworkers provided a catered meal for those at Home Sweet Home Ministries.

“We all donated and put this on together,” says Arthur. “We could have just sat at home and enjoyed ourselves, but we just wanted to bring the joy to somebody else this time.”

A line of servers dished up pulled pork sandwiches, potato salad, baked beans, and snow cones. The meal even featured a special demonstration by Walker Taekwondo.

Arthur’s inspiration to give back was sparked by a simple thank you. “I was driving in downtown Bloomington and I saw a homeless guy just sitting there, hungry,” shares Arthur. “I brought him something to eat. He said thank you, and that really touched me. It made me think ‘Why can’t I feed everybody?’ I know I can’t feed the world, but this is a start.”

This act of kindness runs deep for Arthur, because he too once needed a helping hand.

“It touches me because I’ve been homeless. I slept in abandoned buildings. The only meal I had was when I went to school. I didn’t let that hold me down, I just kept going,” explains Arthur. “Everyone has a problem in life that they try to overcome. Some of them make it; some of them don’t. I just don’t want to sit there and look at everybody like I’m better than them. Until you’ve been down this road, it’s hard to understand it. I’ve been there and I understand it. One day, they could be the ones standing here saving my life.”

Arthur says it feels terrific to host a meal and looks forward to giving back even more. “I love it. Everybody here has a big heart.”

From all of us at Home Sweet Home, thank you Arthur and fellow Connect Transit coworkers for putting on such a lovely picnic for our residents. Your support truly sparked hope in others.

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Be joyful in HOPE, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayerRomans 12:12