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Nadine Prall

Nadine Prall- Volunteer at HSHM from Home Sweet Home Ministries on Vimeo.

Nadine Prall read in the bulletin at St. Pat’s of Merna that help was needed serving lunch on Fridays at Home Sweet Home.  So in October of 2013, she started serving and fell in love with the people – staff and residents.  She also shopped quite frequently at Bloomington Mission Mart and eventually added volunteering at the store in her schedule. She has volunteered more than 210 hours since starting. Nadine states that Monica Carson, BMM Store Manager, is a joy to work with and talk to.

Nadine likes saying hi with a friendly, smiling face to encourage the residents and/or shoppers.  She feels this helps them know someone cares. 

Volunteering has helped Nadine appreciate what she has.  She is blessed with a family and lucky to not have had to work outside the home.  Nadine feels that with volunteering she gets back more for herself than she gives.  Volunteering at Home Sweet Home has also encouraged her to volunteer at other things.

Nadine states that Home Sweet Home is a great place to volunteer. She feels once you get started, you get addicted to volunteering at Home Sweet Home.  Several of her friends are now retiring and trying to figure out what to do, Nadine tells them to volunteer at Home Sweet Home even if it is just for an hour or half day.

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Be joyful in HOPE, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayerRomans 12:12